We're excited to announce that Cryoderma hot and cold packs have been rebranded to Ice Storm! While the brand name has changed, the same great product and quality you know and love remains. Ice Storm hot and cold packs are still made with high-quality materials designed to provide optimal relief and comfort during your physiotherapy sessions.

Hot and cold packs have been a staple in physiotherapy for many years, and for a good reason. These simple yet effective tools can help alleviate pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, improve circulation, and promote healing. When applied correctly, hot and cold packs can make a big difference in recovery for many injuries and conditions.



At Eureka, we understand the importance of hot and cold packs in aiding patients' recovery. These packs are designed to provide optimal relief and comfort during physiotherapy sessions and can make a big difference in your treatment process.


Benefits of using Ice Storm Hot and Cold Packs

Reduce pain and inflammation

Applying hot and cold packs to the affected area can help reduce pain and inflammation. Ice Storm hot and cold packs are designed to provide optimal relief and comfort during physiotherapy sessions and can help alleviate pain and inflammation quickly.

Improve range of motion

You can improve your patient's range of motion using hot and cold packs during your physiotherapy sessions. This can be especially important for patients recovering from injuries or surgery who need to regain their mobility.

Promote healing

Hot and cold packs can also help promote healing. When using Ice Storm hot and cold packs during your physiotherapy sessions, you can encourage blood flow to the affected area, speeding up the healing process.

Enhance relaxation and overall well-being

Lastly, using hot and cold packs during your physiotherapy sessions can help enhance relaxation and overall well-being. When your patient is in less pain and feels more relaxed, you can focus on your treatment process, which can help improve overall outcomes.


About Ice Storm hot and cold packs

Ice Storm hot and cold packs are designed to provide optimal relief and comfort during physiotherapy sessions. These packs are made from high-quality materials that can withstand repeated use and are also non-toxic and safe for your skin.

At Eureka Physiocare, we're pleased to offer our therapy clinic customers Ice Storm hot and cold packs online, with a FREE CDU for every ten packs ordered.


Final thoughts

Hot and cold packs can make a big difference in treatment if your patient is recovering from an injury or dealing with a painful condition. Ice Storm hot and cold packs can help reduce pain and inflammation, improve range of motion, promote healing, and enhance relaxation and overall well-being when used in conjunction with your physiotherapy treatments.

If you want to learn more about Ice Storm hot and cold packs or purchase them, contact us today.